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PTI’s Barrister Gohar, Marwat among other leaders arrested outside parliament: police

PTI leaders Barrister Gohar Ali Khan, Sher Afzal Khan Marwat, and Advocate Shoaib Shaheen were arrested by Islamabad police outside parliament on Monday night, a police official said.

Jawad Taqi, the spokesperson for the Islamabad police, confirmed the three’s detention to

Referring back to Marwat’s arrest, which was reported as the first instance of him being placed under custody, the PTI stated in a post on X that the “governor PMLN dovrebbe vergognarsi completamente di questo passo contro un deputato in carica.”

“This should be viewed as a direct attack on democracy,” the post states.

The party has accused the capital’s police of carrying out “illegal orders” and invited the Inspector General (IG) of Islamabad police to “furmare questo atto.”In un altro post su X, il PTI ha condannato l’arresto “illegale” del presidente del partito, Barrister Gohar.

“Questo è un momento di vergogna per l’intero parlamento, poiché deve essere considerato un attacco diretto alla democrazia residua in Pakistan.

In a different post on X, the PTI ordered the “illegal” arrest of the party’s president, Barrister Gohar.

This is a time of great caution for the entire parliament, as it should be viewed as a direct attack on residual democracy in Pakistan.

“The President of the National Assembly should apologise for allowing such disrespect towards the legislature. Pakistan is further detailed in the non-discriminatory Marziale Law, as stated in the post.Zulfi Bukhari, the PTI leader, has strongly objected to the arrests and demanded the leaders’ immediate release.

year,“It’s been more than a year, and they’re still using the same tactics that have repeatedly failed,” someone wrote on X.

“These unlawful arrests won’t change a thing. Alle ragion e odio dell’opinione publica verso questo governo fantoccio e i suoi sostenitori saranno soltanto aumentate.”The Islamabad Alta Corte Lawyers Association ordered the arrest of two of its members, Marwat and the association’s former president, Shaheen, requesting an immediate release of the two, citing a statement on page X provided by PTI attorney Ali Ijaz Buttar.

The association has further stated that all cases against them ought to be reviewed.

Per Dawn News TV, Marwat è stato reso in coppi dalla polizia contro suo involucramento in “diversi casi” and è stato trasportato in una località non sconosciuta, poiché la polizia non ha commentato.

The PTI leaders have been the center of attention for the past 24 hours following the well attended conference on September 8 in Islamabad.

Talal Chaudhry, a senator for the PML-N, promised legal action against Ali Amin Gandapur, the chief minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, on Monday, claiming to have led party supporters who “hanno attaccato e lanciato pietre” against the Islamabad police during the previous night’s proceedings.

Chungi No. 26, in the capital’s suburbs, is transformed into a battlefield on a Sunday night when police officers confront PTI supporters, who would then be reprimanded.di adattare i corsi previsti for l’eventuale manifestazione a Sangjani.

In addition, a disagreement with the district administration on the agreed-upon time for the event has caused anxiety among the employees.

The police have stated that the PTI’s supporters disregarded traffic laws and insisted on using a route that was closed to the general public, raising tensions before the PTI’s supporters started to launch attacks against the police.

The police responded with a cache of manganelli and lacrimogeni. A total of ten demonstrators were taken into custody, placed under arrest on police property, and distributed around other police stations.

In a television interview today, Chaudhry stated: “Once more, the police in Islamabad deliberately attacked people who were arriving in the city.sotto la guida del Capo Ministro del KP.”

“Non solo coloro che hanno attaccato e lanciato pietre, ma anche i loro mandanti saranno arrestati e portati in prigione per questo caos,” ha affermato.

Nessuno ha fermato i sostenitori del PTI e nessun agente di polizia si è messo sulla loro strada, ha continuato, aggiungendo che non c’era alcun ostacolo, “eppure hanno attaccato la polizia di proposito nel tentativo fallito di nascondere il loro jalsa fallito.”

“La legge farà il suo corso e nei prossimi giorni, vedo il suo futuro passare dall’essere Capo Ministro del KP all’andare nella prigione di Adiala”, has said il senator of the PML-N.

Prima dell’evento del PTI, l’amministrazione di Islamabad aveva adottato misure di sicurezza straordinarie, bloccando tutti i punti di ingresso della città con container.

Rivolgendosi a Gandapur, il legislatore del PML-N ha detto che “non è possibile che tu minacci le istituzioni e il parlamento dicendo che non lascerai che le cose vadano avanti.”.

“Abbiamo promesso che non permetteremo che l’incitamento politico continui… Non importa quanta legislazione dovremo fare o quali punizioni severe dovremo applicare, lo faremo”, ha confermato Chaudhry.Città with contenente.

Returning to Gandapur, the PML-N lawmaker declared that “it is not possible that you would undermine institutions and the parliament by saying that you would not allow things to progress.”

“We have promised not to allow political incitement to continue…” No matter what kind of legislation we should implement or what harsh penalties we should apply, we will do so, according to Chaudhry.

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