Homelatest newsIt's daylight saving time. Important information regarding "springing forward."

It’s daylight saving time. Important information regarding “springing forward.”

It’s finally time to move on after a long winter of short days.

On Sunday, clocks in the United States will be moved forward from 1:59 a.m. to 3 a.m.

What you need to know about Daylight Saving Time and the reasons behind the twice-yearly clock change in the US is provided here.

What is the duration of daylight saving time?

Sunday marks the start of Daylight Saving Time, which will last until November 2. Starting on Sunday, November 3, 2024, Standard Time will be used.

There are differences between the spring and fall clock changes. We lose an hour in the spring when the clocks go back in the fall, when we gain an additional hour.

However, the days become longer and the evenings brighter as spring and summer arrive. As we get ready for winter and the arrival of shorter days, this shift will continue until November 2, when the clocks will return to regular time.

We switch watches, but why?

After the Standard Time Act was passed in 1918, the United States began observing Daylight Saving Time, according to the U.S. Astronomical Applications Department. By advancing sunset by one hour, the intention was to increase the number of daylight hours during the summer.

After being partially adopted at initially, Daylight Saving Time was swiftly abolished in 1919 and then adopted locally. Nonetheless, it was observed from 1942 to 1945 and reintroduced in the early stages of World War II.

In 1966, the Uniform Time Act was implemented, defining the dates of Daylight Saving Time while allowing states and territories to choose not to participate. The standard dates altered throughout the year after the act, but they have been fixed since 2007. Since then, the first Sunday in November has been the conclusion of Daylight Saving Time, which starts on the second Sunday in March.

Are there any states where the time change is not observed?

Yes, the majority of people in Arizona and Hawaii will not be sleeping an extra hour on Sunday night. Neither state changes its clocks twice a year and does not observe daylight saving time, according to the Department of Astronomical Applications.

Is there an attempt to alter this procedure?

The Sunshine Protection Act, passed by the U.S. Senate, would have established daylight saving time all year round. However, the bill is stuck in the House of Representatives, thus until the House and Senate pass new law, the clocks in the United States will keep changing twice.

Speaking on the subject this week, President Donald Trump stated that while some people desire more light, others do not. He referred to it as “50-50” and stated that there are differing views on the subject.

Trump claimed that daylight saving time was costly and inconvenient, and he and Republicans would attempt to “end” it shortly after he won the election last year.

Is the United States the sole nation that adjusts clocks?

No, other countries also do this, but their timelines differ from that of the US.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons change differently, resulting in DST dates that differ from those in our hemisphere.

How do health experts respond?

There are studies that indicate that keeping Daylight Saving Time throughout the year might lead to a reduction in traffic accidents and crime; however, numerous experts do not concur with this view.

Some sleep experts say that at noon (solar time) during standard time, the sun should be directly overhead.

A study conducted in June 2022 found that individuals whose internal clocks were misaligned with the sun faced a 22% increased risk of road fatalities.

Correction (March 8, 2025, 3:26 p.m. ET): An earlier version of this article misstated the frequency of clock changes. It occurs two times a year, rather than every six months.

Absolutely! Thank you for your interest; it’s wonderful to see that you’re keen on reading this information. This process deserves a more detailed discussion.

What makes it so important to change the clocks?

Taking place every year in March and November, this process aims to align our body clocks with natural light. With the lengthening of days, we receive more daylight, making it easier to arrange our schedules. This change can offer certain advantages, particularly regarding working hours or family time.

However, as you can see, it is not to everyone’s liking. This adjustment may weigh heavily on certain individuals, particularly those lacking sufficient sleep. Studies have indicated that sunlight and our sleep cycle play crucial roles.

Is this system eternal?

Many people wonder whether altering the clocks is a lasting solution or if there will be further adjustments. As you might have heard, discussions are happening among certain states and residents regarding the termination of Daylight Saving Time; however, no significant changes have occurred at the federal level yet. In certain areas, individuals do not realize how significant this change is and perceive it as a more challenging task.

However, one thing is for sure: regardless of whether we adjust our clocks, this practice illustrates the link between our daily habits and the natural world. The question of whether to abolish the clock change or to keep it year-round has been debated for some time, but we must recognize that these actions are not merely technological changes; they aim to enhance the equilibrium among light, sleep, and energy in our lives.

The outcome

If you are finding this daylight saving time change difficult, keep in mind that it won’t last. Even though you might go a few days without adequate sleep, you will ultimately restore equilibrium to your routine.Bear in mind that this modification is advantageous for us to receive more light, and if it doesn’t benefit you, you’re not the only one. A lot of people overlook it, and extensive research is being conducted on it to improve our decision-making.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions or would like to discuss this in more detail.



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